Starkville Smiles

(662) 323-3245

First Visit

We believe that good dental care begins with open communication. We promise to speak candidly with you about our diagnosis and recommendations, any alternative treatments, and any symptoms present that may require treatment from a specialist. Working together, we can achieve a true partnership, with one common goal – keeping your smile beautiful and your teeth, gums and jaw joints healthy!


What to Expect


Thank you so much for choosing us to be your dentist! After any needed emergency treatment is completed, every new patient should receive a thorough, comprehensive examination. Your initial exam will last approximately one hour. A health history evaluation, comprehensive oral exam, oral cancer screening and any necessary X-rays will be done. Children under 16 years of age will also have their teeth cleaned. For adult patients, we will determine exactly what type of teeth cleaning fits your particular needs, and then we will arrange another appointment to complete it.

After completing a thorough exam and any necessary X-rays, we will talk with you to discover just what you desire for your teeth. We will then explain your treatment options to you in a way that you can understand so that we can plan your treatment together. In many cases, we will complete priority needs as soon as we can, and then we will complete more flexible needs as you can work them into your life.


Bringing in a New Patient?


We recommend that a child’s first dental visit be scheduled by his/her 3rd birthday. It is very important to make the first visit as positive and enjoyable for the child as possible. We want your child to enjoy getting to know our doctors and staff and be comfortable at all times. A pleasant, comfortable first visit builds trust and helps put the child at ease during future dental visits. Let the child know that the doctors and staff will explain everything in detail and will answer any questions he/she has. Children should be encouraged to discuss any fears or anxiety they feel.

Parents should not make a big deal out of the visit and refrain from using any words that could cause unnecessary fear, such as “needle” or “drill.” We are experienced in dealing with children with anxiety and can explain treatment procedures in a positive and pleasant manner to avoid any anxious or negative feelings toward dentistry.

We will record your child’s dental and medical history, complete a comprehensive examination and discuss any findings with you. We have completed over 3000 orthodontic cases and will be evaluating your child’s jaw growth and development and recommending any needed orthodontic treatment. We will also review the importance of maintaining a good dental health program with you and your child to ensure a healthy and beautiful smile for life!




We are always excited about meeting new patients during their first visit to our office. Your initial appointment will consist of a thorough examination and a discussion of potential treatment options. This important 30-minute visit will give us insight into your orthodontic needs. We know your time is valuable, so to expedite treatment, we may also reserve time following the exam for diagnostic records. The records include X-rays, photos and impressions for study models and are necessary for developing the appropriate treatment plan. This additional appointment will last approximately one hour.

During the initial examination for each patient, we will address the following questions that cover the basics of orthodontic treatment. We encourage you to ask questions as well.

While we can often answer these general questions about treatment during the initial examination, we will address specific areas after careful analysis of the diagnostic records. We feel it is important to analyze each patient’s specific needs, because in-depth planning leads to superior results and higher patient satisfaction.

We will then schedule a consultation visit to discuss treatment options, time frames and financial arrangements. We insist that our patients leave the office with a clear understanding of their specific needs, what the treatment will consist of and how long it will take. Also, we will answer any additional questions.

Please assist us by providing any panoramic X-ray taken within the past six months and if you have orthodontic insurance, bring your insurance card at the time of your first visit.

Questions you may have:

Is there a condition that orthodontics can address?

Is treatment needed now or should treatment be delayed until appropriate growth, tooth eruption or other factors have occurred?

What treatment procedures will be used to correct the problem?

Do any permanent teeth need to be removed?

How long will treatment take?

How much will it cost?

What are my payment options?

Our Associations

Our Location

Starkville Smiles

Hours of Operation


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


7:30 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm





7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm